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Building Competency Framework Course

HRIB Academy
اخر تحديث الأحد, مايو 7, 2023
4.0 /5
1 التحق بالفعل

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This highly informative and interactive course will give you the tools, models, knowledge and understanding to be able to effectively design, build and implement a competency framework in your organization. Based on experiences you will be able to implement a competency framework that contributes to your organization’s strategy and long-term success. Through the trainer’s expertise and practical knowledge, you will be able to define the key concepts associated with competency models and building a competency farm work that reflect on the organization success.

• Its A conceptual framework for performance measurement, and management system.
• Its Effective internal and external communications for successful performance measurement.
• To assign clarity and understanding in accountability for better results.
• Make Performance management systems for decision-making and not just compilation of data.
• to link Performance measurement to compensation, rewards, and recognition.
• To share the results and commitments openly with the employees.
• To Combine the competency-based interventions into the perspective
• Competencies are components of a job which are reflected in behavior that are observable in a workplace.
• Workers cannot perform to standards without competencies.

أهداف التعلم

• Understand the components of a competency framework
• Compile the essential ingredients of a competency framework based on mission, vision, values, and strategy of the organization
• Develop and define competencies that are a valuable management tool providing a common language and framework for understanding your organization’s performance
• Link competencies to recruitment, career development, succession planning and training & development

Material Includes

  • The Learning Model the Trainer Uses Up-To-Date Training Techniques and A Variety of Training Methods, To Give All Participants the Best Opportunities for Learning, Including:
  • • Class Session
  • • Group Discussions
  • • Simulations Exercises
  • • Case Studies and Problem-Solving Exercises
  • • Individual Assignments
  • • Templates And Tools
  • • Video content
  • • Books & References


  • The student of Building Competency Framework Course most have experience in human resources and aware of all HR function

الجمهور المستهدف

  • • Line and staff executives who want to learn how to leverage human resources to add value and increase profits
  • • Human resource consultants, professionals, managers, and executives.
  • • Specialists in talent acquisition, development, and retention, in human capital management, or succession planning
  • • Training and organization development professionals

منهاج دراسي

31 دروس14h

Module (1) Establishing the Foundation

Definition and Assumptions
What is Competency?
Competencies for Competitive Advantage
Competency Model Components
Trends in Competency Modeling
Approaches to Building Competency Models
Target Audiences for Competency Modeling
Competency Modeling Methods and Tools

Module (2) Building the Model

Module (3) Performance Management

Module (4) Training & Development

Module (5) Recruitment & Selection


HRIB Academy

13 الدورات
5 التقييمات
206 طالبا
شاهد المزيد

Student Feedback

1 التقييمات

تصنيف (1)

very good

أكتب مراجعة

المدة الزمنية 14 ساعات
31 محاضرات

Material Includes

  • The Learning Model the Trainer Uses Up-To-Date Training Techniques and A Variety of Training Methods, To Give All Participants the Best Opportunities for Learning, Including:
  • • Class Session
  • • Group Discussions
  • • Simulations Exercises
  • • Case Studies and Problem-Solving Exercises
  • • Individual Assignments
  • • Templates And Tools
  • • Video content
  • • Books & References

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